Monday, May 19, 2008

Do as I say, not as I do

The campaign style deemed "off-limits" and "unacceptable" by Obama is attacking the candidates spouses. Somebody might want to inform the Barack of 4 months ago that his attacking of Bill Clinton was simply unacceptable.

In fairness, if a spouse is like Laura Bush or Cindy McCain who simply follow in their husband's campaign wake doing smaller venues to excite the base he might have a point. But when spouses take center stage in the campaign and are almost co-campaigners then they become legitimate targets of "attack".

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What she should have said

Bridget Johnson has an article on "Sweetiegate", where Obama responded to a reporter Peggy Agar's question about policy with "Hold on one second, sweetie. We’ll do a press avail, thanks". Now, to be fair, he apologize...for calling her "sweetie"; but he didn't apologize for what Agar herself was upset about, not answering a legitimate question.

She should have responded with "Boy, you are running for the Presidency, a position where you will be a servant to both me and my readers. How dare you arrogantly dismiss my concerns out of hand"

What it would have accomplished was both reminding Obama and the public that the Presidency serves at our discretion and it would have made the left go into a hissy fit over the term "boy".

Barak's making my job just too easy

Obama has claimed that he won't beat Hillary Clinton in Kentucky since she comes from a nearby state, Arkansas:

"What it says is that I'm not very well known in that part of the country," Obama said. "Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it's not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle."

Sure, Hillary comes from a nearby state, but Obama's state actually shares a long border with Kentucky.

Oh, but again it's not the fault of his ignorance, it's those danged "Guns, God and Xenophobia" cretins who stupidly believe everything they hear on Fox News and can't decide anything on their own

“Part of it is because there have been these e-mails that have been sent out very systematically, presumably by various political opponents, although I don’t know who,” he said. “And there are a lot of voters who get their news from Fox News. Fox has been pumping up rumors about my religious beliefs or my patriotism or what have you since the beginning of the campaign.”

I'd suggest Barak go back to school and learn that just because the voters in Kentucky (and elsewhere) weren't given choice positions in Columbia and Harvard doesn't make them his inferior.

via The Corner

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Scarlet Letters

So now an Obama booster is claiming opposing Barak in his run for the Presidency is racist. This is a very serious matter and shows the Totalitarian and cultish mindset of some of the Democrat party..

Democracy depends on people feeling that if they express a different viewpoint that they won't suffer significant penalties in their lives; and racism (with "Islamophobia" closely following it) has become the ultimate Scarlet Letter. Those charges have the power to end friendships, destroy careers, and end lives.

But the people issuing these letters are themselves self-righteous bigots who don't allow for any diversity of thought.

This has been going on for years and is the face of modern liberalism; an ideology which now embodies everything it was set up to oppose.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The John Kerry Factor

I remember back in 2004 during that Presidential race a dialog between Bush and Kerry about "bunker-buster" nukes. I recall that I could not comprehend the thinking that made Kerry want to ban them. It was simple for me: if a nation (say North Korea) unleashed nuclear weapons on one of it's neighbors we would have to respond (although, I'm becoming more convinced that the Democrats would disagree; that in response to an unjustified attack on one of our allies and massive death and suffering their response would be "do nothing"). And I personally don't want to just wipe out North Korean civilians (slaves) but would want to target the military and government leadership for atomization. And since after their attack they'd quite naturally go hide their cowardly asses in bunkers the best medicine would be bunker-busters.

But here again you have the perverted, tortured logic of the Democrats on display.

Yes, that's right. Obama wants to gut the military (which has one of the smallest budgets at 4% in my father's lifetime). He wants to leave the Iraqis to the murderous ultraviolence of the religious zealots. He wants America and the military to be disgraced once again by abandoning our committments. He wants to ban nukes (of course nations like Iran, North Korea, and Syria will sign up only to break their promise not to develop them. But of course, how would Obama enforce this ban now that he's turned the military into nothing more than a disarmed security guard?)

It's the John Kerry factor once again where reality, logic and facts have no effect on the Dems thinking.

Explaining the Obamanation

How is it that an inexperienced junior Senator from what is widely regarded as one of the most corrupt cities in the U.S. is now the Democrat candidate for President? How is it that a serious leftist like Obama has people swooning in cultish ecstasy? How is it that he leads among white, college aged men?

Simple answer: white guilt.

You have people who have been told all their lives that they have an inescapable original sin of being white, and that they must do everything in their power to overcome that sin. Heck, I'm not even innocent on this front: for years I pushed the idea of a Condoleeza Rice Presidency for the simple fact that Republicans could "one up" the Democrats by having the first black, female candidate.

Now I don't care what color, gender or religion a person is or is not but what in their resume makes them qualified for the most important job in the world.

And Obama is not that candidate.

But, he will probably get in because some white folk still desperately want to apologize for slavery, racism, Jim Crow even though they had nothing to do with it.

57 is not just a ketchup anymore

It's now how many "states" Obama has visited.